Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fire Danger

On my daily drive to work I come across the fire danger index for the day. There is a picture of Smokey the Bear who has enchanted me since I was a child. I still remember the coloring book I had about forest fire prevention.

Wikipedia informs me that his real name is "Smokey Bear" and besides being a mascot for the USDA Forest Service he has had a commemorative postage stamp never mind his own zip code. Oh and not to mention his namesake park in Capitan, New Mexico, his own song and a national awards program.

It was befitting to learn that Smokey Bear is one of the longest running ad campaigns. I think more people need to be educated about the danger of wildfires, especially since a large percentage of them are caused by humans. Every campground that allows campfires should be required to post fire safety posters. People should stop flicking their cigarettes out of their cars too. Wishful thinking anyway.

What does Smokey say......."Only You Can Prevent Wildfires."

Friday, April 16, 2010

It just sounds like a sleazy name doesn't it? Good thing I check my bank account regularly because I quickly noticed an unauthorized debit. How they got my card number, I couldn't tell you. Numerous calls to the customer service number only brought me a busy signal.

Having never heard of "" I googled them and quickly saw that I wasn't the only person having this problem. Another one of their victims urged me to report this to the feds as well as my bank. I also went to my local police.

They charge your account for a small sum hoping that it will go unnoticed. They may even think that for such a minuscule amount some people just can't be bothered with all the paperwork. It just does not matter to me how much the amount is, it is fraud plain and simple.

Oh! The things we take for granted. I'm back to the old school way of writing checks and getting dirty looks from people behind me in line. My bank informs me since it was also a credit card, that company also has to investigate it which could delay my new card for up to 45 days. Fun is.......

I hope they get shut down.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Printer Soup

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against HP. They make some of the most dependable printers around. In twelve years I'm only on my 3rd HP printer at home. be honest with you I don't know what the deal is with the printer at work.

It all started first thing in the morning when - of course - I needed to print something. My cyan print cartridge needed to be replaced - easy enough I thought. As you can see from the photo it turned out to be more - much more than one ink cartridge. Once I changed the cyan ink, a light on the printer indicated that my print head needed to be changed. So, I decided I would change them all since it had been a while. I also noticed very little ink left in the other three remaining cartridges, so I figured what the hell!

~Printer Overload~

Every single light that could be on starting blinking and a blank page was spit out towards me with gusto. I turned the machine off, and back on all to no avail. It would start to shimmy and shake like a car going 50 MPH on a bad rim. After about a minute (which seemed like five) it just spit out another blank page. And...this went on and on until I became so frustrated I finally shut it off for the rest of the day. This printer definitely had an attitude.

The next day I decided to update the printer's drivers and firmware. After many unsuccessful attempts I was ready to throw in the towel. Little did I care that I just installed over $225 in print cartridges and print heads. It finally dawned on me to take out the print heads then to try updating the firmware. Lo and worked and my printer was up. YAY!

Why this silly idea worked, I don't know? I calibrated all the print heads and wouldn't you know?

Cyan is not working.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Merritt Parkway

It is always a dice roll traveling one the first parkways in the nation. It is not what I would call "plodding along" you must play close attention at all times. Tell me, where else do you see a stop sign to get onto a highway? Although the posted speed limit is 55 MPH - I have yet to actually see anyone adhere to it. I must admit it is a very scenic ride through Connecticut and the bridges are spectacular! The tree canopy is great too - if you aren't worried about one falling over onto your vehicle. (Yes, unfortunately this did happen) Best of all there are no commercial vehicles allowed (though some do try) which believe it or not makes a difference, especially in the rain. The downside is if there is an accident, or even a disabled vehicle the traffic can get backed up for miles at end. Also, there are only two lanes and it always seems like I get behind some schmuck driving in the left lane going about 40 MPH. Thank god for the rest stops along the way and if you ever travel this stretch make sure to get your gas beforehand as if is always expensive at the Mobil stations on the Merritt.

There is even a website dedicated to it:

Driving to NYC is just so much fun.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Fever

Heh - I know it is bad when I stop to take pictures of flowers blooming next to the parking lot. People are looking at me weird while I'm stooped over with my cell phone trying to take this shot. Who cares.... while delivering payroll last week these flowers caught my eye. I am so starved for color this time of year that anything besides brown will catch my eye. It seemed like a long winter this year although it wasn't particularly snowy - only when it was time to drive to work.

I welcome spring this year and look forward to the longer days ahead.

"It's spring fever. That's what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want- oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!" ~Mark Twain

Wishing I did not get rid of the stone tablet that my mother gave me with the inscription - "Each spring the universe is born again."