Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Merritt Parkway

It is always a dice roll traveling one the first parkways in the nation. It is not what I would call "plodding along" you must play close attention at all times. Tell me, where else do you see a stop sign to get onto a highway? Although the posted speed limit is 55 MPH - I have yet to actually see anyone adhere to it. I must admit it is a very scenic ride through Connecticut and the bridges are spectacular! The tree canopy is great too - if you aren't worried about one falling over onto your vehicle. (Yes, unfortunately this did happen) Best of all there are no commercial vehicles allowed (though some do try) which believe it or not makes a difference, especially in the rain. The downside is if there is an accident, or even a disabled vehicle the traffic can get backed up for miles at end. Also, there are only two lanes and it always seems like I get behind some schmuck driving in the left lane going about 40 MPH. Thank god for the rest stops along the way and if you ever travel this stretch make sure to get your gas beforehand as if is always expensive at the Mobil stations on the Merritt.

There is even a website dedicated to it:

Driving to NYC is just so much fun.

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