Friday, April 16, 2010

It just sounds like a sleazy name doesn't it? Good thing I check my bank account regularly because I quickly noticed an unauthorized debit. How they got my card number, I couldn't tell you. Numerous calls to the customer service number only brought me a busy signal.

Having never heard of "" I googled them and quickly saw that I wasn't the only person having this problem. Another one of their victims urged me to report this to the feds as well as my bank. I also went to my local police.

They charge your account for a small sum hoping that it will go unnoticed. They may even think that for such a minuscule amount some people just can't be bothered with all the paperwork. It just does not matter to me how much the amount is, it is fraud plain and simple.

Oh! The things we take for granted. I'm back to the old school way of writing checks and getting dirty looks from people behind me in line. My bank informs me since it was also a credit card, that company also has to investigate it which could delay my new card for up to 45 days. Fun is.......

I hope they get shut down.


  1. Did you have any more problems with them? I also had this happen to me. I read online that some people cancelled their cards and got new ones and then the new ones were charged by these sleezeballs!

  2. That seemed to resolve my issue. It was a bit of a hassle to fill out all the fraud paperwork. I urge you to report them to the IC3. Maybe if enough people complain some action will happen!
